We all spend our mornings differently. And that, is all the difference it can make.

The way you utilize the first few hours or minutes when you wake up goes a long way in determining how your day will play out. Owning your morning plays an essential role in owning your day!


A few months ago, I had this pesky habit( which I bet most of us suffer from) where I’d wake up and the first thing I’d do was get my phone and browse my socials, consuming random content from my different interest groups. By the time I’d put my phone down to actually start my day, my productivity levels had plummeted.

In this process, I would come across new messages, emails, to-dos and other content that triggered a feeling of stress and anxiety disrupting my chances of starting my day with a calm mind.

A lady checking her phone while laying in bed

Being a person who is naturally most productive in the morning, I didn’t realize at the time how much my poor morning routine was eating into my productivity. The realization led me to take a 360 degrees turn and the results were simply revolutionary!

Here are some tips on how to come up with an effective morning routine that will enhance your productivity throughout the day and help you with your personal growth

  1. Develop a culture of waking up early in the morning

Those few hours just when the sun is about to rise; when the rest of the world is still asleep, are the most peaceful hours of the day.

“It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth and wisdom.”

— Aristotle

In these times of exponential change, overwhelming distractions and overflowing schedules, it’s important to make the most of those few hours when there’s absolutely no noise and you can clearly think. That is when your brain is most active and the best ideas are formed.

A keystone habit is a core behavior that multiplies all your other regular patterns of performing. Developing a habit of early rising does that for you, it creates a ripple effect that affects all other activities for the rest of your day. Perfecting this habit has greatly improved my quality of day.

2. Plan your day

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”

~ Yogi Berra

The most unproductive days were always the ones I didn’t schedule or plan for.

The best way around this is by creating a to-do list on paper or a personal diary where you put down all the things you wish to accomplish for that day. A helpful tip for beginners is to create a plan that you can simply follow and execute.

P.S. For creative people, you can do this through bullet journaling. It will make it more fun and easier to stick to. Check this out for more ideas.

3. Read books, articles and listen to podcasts.

Currently, I dedicate a whole hour in my morning routine to my personal growth. It is vital to feed your brain with the right information. Working at Impact Africa Network where upskilling and learning is paramount has really helped with this. Our founder and CEO, Mark Karake, has been at the forefront in ensuring growth in each one of us through sharing articles, blogs, podcasts and hosting fireside chats with global business leaders who shift mindsets through sharing their expertise and lessons through their entrepreneurial journeys.

I couldn’t be more proud to be part of a team where a culture of growth is always encouraged.

4. Exercise

The idea of an early morning workout might not sound too exciting, I know. But according to a 2019 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, it was found that morning exercise improves attention, visual learning, and decision-making.

A good way to practice this is by going for a jog or walk around your block or the bare minimum- taking some steps around your room. The most important thing is to get your blood flowing and of course to help you keep fit.

“I’ll be honest with you, there were days during the process of automating this routine that I was cranky, days when my head pounded like a jackhammer and mornings when I just wanted to keep sleeping. But once I locked and loaded getting up at 5 AM regularly and practicing my morning routine, it became a habit and my days grew consistently — and vastly — better than anything I’ve ever experienced.” The 5 AM Club


Power to our Women

I take pride in working in an organization that values and bets on women. A place where women are offered a seat at the table and given the opportunity to share their ideas and thrive. What a time to be alive!

In honor of Women’s History Month, Impact Africa Network shall be having a special cast on March 18th, 11:00 am EST to tell the stories of the female leaders of IAN alongside guest speakers like Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist and Kike Oniwinde founder of BYP Network.

Join us today!